News — Lisbeth Scott
"The Music of Tumble Leaf, Vol. 1" is Out Now!
Lisbeth Scott New Music New Music Friday Tumble Leaf
The official soundtrack, with music by Lisbeth Scott and Nathan Barr, to the Emmy Award winning Amazon Prime children's program "Tumble Leaf" is out now. Listen at your favorite place for music at
Lisbeth Scott Debuts New Video for "Dream of Rain" with Release of "Calm and Comfort".
Hearts of Space Records Lisbeth Scott New Music New Music Friday Video
Lisbeth Scott's new album "Calm and Comfort" debuts today from Hearts of Space Records. With the release is a video for the album's "Dream of Rain". Lisbeth described her inspiration of the song: I live in California where the sun is white and hot and the air dry, 360 days of the year. Having grown up in the lush and humid greens and blues of suburban Boston, I find myself constantly longing for the rain; for the soft velvet touch of mist on my face as I’d walk to school in the morning… for the gentle rhythm of drops on...
Yoga Music for Meditation: Lisbeth Scott's New Video "Voices In The Wind"
Lisbeth Scott New Music New Music Friday Video Yoga
I recently moved away from the heart of the city to a place close to the sea. The night I arrived, there was a fierce wind storm….and the sounds were overwhelming - leaves flapping against each other, the wind pushing against the side of the house, the crash of the waves!As the storm died down, I stood in the road, watching the waves, hair whipping across my face, stars above… and I heard a neighbors wind chime being tossed about. And I thought “Nature sings to us. We just have to stop and listen.” And at that moment, I...
Lisbeth Scott Releases New Video and Song "Breathing Ocean Waves"
Hearts of Space Records Lisbeth Scott New Music New Music Friday Video
Hello lovely people....
I am hoping this finds you peaceful ....
Isn't it amazing how many emotions we go through on a daily basis? Especially now with atrocities and challenges and demands bombarding us for most of the day....I created my new album to address this very thing...Everyone I talk with is feeling overwhelmed and so we all need a moment to breathe, so send a prayer, to sit in gratitude, to feel love, and to release tears that may be stored in our hearts.....I'm hoping you can take 5 minutes, lie back, put one hand on your heart, and one on your stomach, and breathe while listening to this track.
I guarantee when you are done, you will feel calmer than when you began.
Let me know your experience!and feel free to post and share if you have a positive experience...
sending you much love and light always!
xo Lisbeth