“Lullaby for the Hearts of Space”, composed in 1980, has yet to be released on disc. Previously only available on cassette, this remastered edition will see its first ever digital and CD release. As a result, the album has been long sought after. Featuring two tracks, “Lullaby for the Hearts of Space” showcases live improvisation.
Musician Kevin Braheny Fortune is set to release his highly anticipated album. “Lullaby for the Hearts of Space” (to be released on June 16th, 2017 on Hearts of Space Records) is based on a live performance for Hearts of Space Radio. Featuring improvised tracks, “Lullaby for the Hearts of Space” has become one of the most sought-after ambient recordings of the era.
Kevin detailed the creation of his upcoming album:
Listen to to an excerpt from "Lullaby for the Hearts of Space" on Soundcloud at http://bit.ly/LullabyforHOS.
"Lullaby for the Hearts of Space” is available for preorder in all physical and digital formats:
Valley Entertainment: http://bit.ly/Lullaby4HOS
Hearts of Space Records Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/KevinBrahenyFortune
iTunes: http://bit.ly/LullabyHOS
Amazon: http://bit.ly/KevinBrahenyLullaby