Valley Entertainment
Divna - In Search of Divine Light
CD | $ 16.98 | Add to Cart |
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In Search of Divine Light, the new album from Serbian cantor Divna, features a collection of sacred chants from the Byzantine, Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian traditions including work from composers like Nikolay Kedrov, Pavel Chesnokov and Alexander Kastalsky.
Divna Ljubojević began her musical career as a student at the Mokranjac Choral Society. She joined Serbia’s oldest choir, the First Belgrade Singing Society, where she became the youngest conductor in the group’s history - which dates back to 1853. In 1991 Divna founded the spiritual choir and studio Melodi. She has since performed over 600 concerts in Europe, Asia and North Africa - leaving both audiences and critics breathless. She has released 18 albums on the Milan Records and Jade Music labels - distributed worldwide by Warner Music. The celebrated cantor, who had performed and recorded with Lykourgos Angelopoulos, is considered one of the leading interpreters and performers of the liturgical traditions and Byzantine chant.
Click here for the English translations to Divna's "In Search of Divine Light"
The Day Of Resurrection (Anastaseos Hemera) : Byzantine chant
In the Flesh Thou Didst Fall Asleep (The Exapostilarion of Pasha) : Serbian chant
Today Salvation Has Come to the World : Divna Ljubojević
All of You Who Were Baptized into Christ : Byzantine chant
Cherubic Hymn : Dagomys chant
Blessed is the Man (Blazhen Muzh) : Nikolay Kedrov
To Thee, The Victorious Leader (Vzbrannoy Voyevode) : Pavel Chesnokov
Come and Let Us Bless Joseph of Everlasting Memory : Pavel Chesnokov
In the Red Sea : Alexander Kastalsky
Let God Arise (The Paschal Stichera) : Byzantine chant
Your Resurrection, Christ the Saviour : Divna Ljubojević
Have Mercy on Me O God : Divna Ljubojević
Cherubic Hymn - Bulgarian
He Was to Me Helper and Protector (The Song of Moses) : Russian chant
The Lord's Prayer : Nikolay Kedrov