Hawaiian Slack Key
George Kuo - Aloha No Na Kupuna (Love for the Elders)
MP3 Album | $ 8.98 | Add to Cart |
WAV Album | $ 11.98 | Add to Cart |
On this all-instrumental album of vintage Hawaiian mele (songs) and original pieces, George Kuo sends his aloha to all the Slack Key legends, including Ray Kane, Sonny Chillingworth, Gabby Pahinui and Atta Isaacs, who shared their mana'o (knowledge) with George, and helped him to develop his trademark 1940s-flavored Slack Key style.
Ki ho ‘alu (literally “slack the key”) is the name for the finger-style guitar tradition unique to Hawaii. First introduced to Island culture by Hawaiian cowboys in the early 1800s, this evocative world music is characterized by a variety of tunings and the wealth of deep feelings each individual artist brings to the music.