Hawaiian Slack Key
Keola Beamer - Ka Hikina O Ka Hau: The Coming of the Snow
MP3 Album | $ 8.98 | Add to Cart |
WAV Album | $ 11.98 | Add to Cart |
Over the years many people have asked me to try and explain the Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar. “What is it?” they ask.
I have spent a large part of my life in search of a decisive answer to this question, without any real success. In fact, I often feel that attempts to define our art form merely place limitations upon it. In truth, music transcends words. Music simply goes where it wants to go despite how we choose to describe it. There is a sentiment in our native language…mai po'i 'ino i ka pulelehua 'o ke aloha. It means, do not attempt to trap the butterfly (of love) with your hands.
Musicians borne on the wings of Kī Hō’alu understand this on a deeply personal level. We have known the feeling of being transported within a living art form capable of expressive and profound beauty.
Ka Hikina O Ka Hau (The Coming of the Snow) is not a Slack Key recording, it was never intended to be. It poses rather, a simple question. Can the palette, coloration and tonality of Kī Hō’alu add an indefinable something to the interpretation of songs written by truly great composers?
The answer is a wonderful surprise.